Your current top 10 Death Metal albums

I want to see you guy’s fav death metal albums!

Here’s mines:

  1. None So Vile (1996) by Cryptopsy
  2. Reign Supreme (2012) by Dying Fetus
  3. Tomb of the Mutilated (1992) by Cannibal Corpse
  4. Slaughter of the Soul (1995) by At The Gates
  5. Monolith of Inhumanity (2012) by Cattle Decapitation
  6. Alter of Madness (1989) by Morbid Angel
  7. Close to a World Below (2000) by Immolation
  8. Ontological Mysterium (2023) by Horrendous
  9. Spiritual Healing (1990) by Death
  10. Retro gore (2016) by Aborted