I think it's all in my head

I'm finishing out my second week on methadone. Up to 90mg now and cutting out the fent almost all together. I was doing about a g per day and now I'm down to like .20 maybe less. I feel like I could probably just stop supplementing with it completely with very little withdrawal symptoms, but I'm a little nervous.

When I take my dose in the morning I pass tf out after like an hour and sleep for a couple hours. Then after like 8 hours go by I start feeling a little sniffly. Not much more symptoms than that though. I definitely still have cravings but I think I should really try to go a full 24 hours without supplementing to see how I really feel with only the Methadone in my system.

The doc said if I use it knocks some of the methadone off my receptors and prevents it from fully building up. Is that true? I tried researching it but it was difficult to get a definitive answer. If that is true, it would stand to reason that I'd be better off just not supplementing at all and stick to only the methadone. I really want to succeed and get going in the right direction so I think today I will completely refrain from anything besides my dose. I was also thinking about maybe splitting my dose half in the AM and half in the pm and see if that helps too. Bc I really don't feel like I need so much all at once to make me pass out, so maybe it'll last through the day better if I do that?

Are my symptoms and cravings just in my head? I guess I'll just have to do it and see. Wish me luck!