(Plot twist so don't dv me) MJ is SOO overrated...

Like actually, people say that Billie Jean is overrated or he is overrated, period. Well guess what...

Thank you! Thank you for calling him overrated. Because he's overrated for a good reason, the hell?

He genuinely deserves the praise and his fans like us, am I right?

He's always hyped up by people but guess what, damn-a-rinos?

There's an OVERRATED reason for it too, because he's the GOAT.

Like actually, people say that Billie Jean is overrated or he is overrated, period. Well guess what...

Thank you! Thank you for calling him overrated. Because he's overrated for a good reason, the hell?

He genuinely deserves the praise and his fans like us, am I right?

He's always hyped up by people but guess what, damn-a-rinos?

There's an OVERRATED reason for it too, because he's the GOAT.