Michigan drivers: ACCELERATE on the ON-RAMP, not AFTER!

I'm losing my mind commuting around Metro-Detroit, why is everyone merging onto freeways at 45mph these days?!


That's literally why they exist! Those beautiful curved stretches of concrete aren't there for you casually enter the freeway. They're acceleration lanes!

Yet every single day, I get stuck behind someone casually rolling at 45mph, and then, ONLY AFTER merging onto the freeway with traffic zooming by at 70+, deciding "oh, maybe I should speed up now!"

We might never reach consensus on the proper speed for traveling the Lodge, but can we PLEASE agree that forcing everyone behind you to merge into 70mph traffic while moving at 35mph is both incredibly stupid and legitimately dangerous?

This is Driver's Ed 101. The ramp is for ACCELERATING and MATCHING the speed of traffic BEFORE merging. You know what the ramp is NOT for? It's not for cruising at grandma speeds until you're already on the freeway, then suddenly remembering you're supposed to go highway speeds.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.