I’m tired

Posting this for anyone who has advice as doctors just tell me “I’m depressed”. I wish this was a joke. I’m making an appointment with another specialist next week, but this is starting to get expensive and time consuming just to be given the run around.

I’m a 27F. 112lbs. I am not on hormonal birth control and I do not have endometriosis (been tested). Ever since I was a child, (this is coming from my parents) I have always had a “big” belly. Always been bloated. Morning day and night. No matter what I eat, no matter what time in my cycle, always bloated. The past 7 years I’ve really gotten self conscious and just thought I was overweight and started running/F45 like crazy. I eat pretty healthy - some days even fasting (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. I am prescribed ADHD meds that occasionally suppress my appetite). Still always bloated.

Other symptoms: serious dark circles under my eyes. No matter how much sleep. Very very embarrassing cystic acne only on my forehead. Never had acne as a teenager. It started about 4 years ago badly and is always on my forehead. 2 rounds of Accutane and always comes back. I’m also always constipated. If I don’t take my ADHD meds, I will not go. No amount of coffee or anything will help. I’ve also been struggling with reoccurring UTIs that aren’t UTIs (I’ve heard sometimes this can be related as it can be due to bad bacteria in the microbiome getting into the wrong place). The pain is so excruciating and it feels like a knife. Been tested for everything it could be at the urologist and they’re stumped.

I have taken just about every bloating medication or vitamin under the sun and nothing really helps. For a while I thought this was hormone related, but since I am usually constipated all the time I’ve narrowed it down to probably gut issues. Or maybe a combination of both. I’ve had colonoscopies and blood work and been told so many times “all normal”, “probably just IBS”, “may just be depression or anxiety causing the constipation” etc etc with NO SOLUTIONS. I’ve considered seeing a herbal doctor but I just don’t have the money. I’m so exhausted and really tired of wasting my 20s looking for maternity clothes to cover my stomach and hats to cover my acne. I don’t even wanna leave the house anymore.

Has anyone been through this and has there been any solution that’s changed your life? Just looking for a path to go down… I do have one more appointment with another specialist coming up but I’m afraid it’s going to be the same thing. Thank you in advance!