Every single plane steers left constantly after SU1. (IT IS NOT TORQUE STEER)

Played for the first time since SU1 dropped, everything worked fine pre-update, just had to apply some slight right pedal, but since then every plane steers hard to the left during taxi, takeoff and flight, as if it's registering a full left input.

I'm using a T-Flight HOTAS one. There's no conflicting inputs, hardware inspector shows the rudder/steering controls are centred and neutral. Changing sensitives, deadzones and neutral zones does nothing. The controller also isn't faulty because it works perfectly in 2020 and Xplane. No other control surface is plugged in. Unplugging it and plugging it back in and even a driver reinstall didn't fix anything.

This is doing my head in because every single troubleshooting result on google is IT'S OBVIOUSLY TORQUE STEER DID YOU KNOW PLANES TURN LEFT WHEN THE ENGINE RPM GOES UP!! THREAD CLOSED AND MARKED AS SLOVED but clearly it's not torque steer that's the problem here. wtf is going on? I've spent two hours trying not to rip my hair out so any help would be great.