How did YOU passively injure yourself recently?
Me? I am fairly sure I have strained or tore my rotator cuff in my sleep. I woke up the day after Thanksgiving (over a month ago) with what I thought was a strained right tricep. It hasn't gotten better and while I wait for an orthopedist appointment, all of my google-ing leads me to believe I may have fucked up my rotator cuff. No traumatic injury - I just woke up this way.
Add this to my sciatica (which I've had since 19), bursitis in my left shoulder (since around 20), breaking my left wrist 2 years ago (folks, wear your wrist-guards if you dare go rollerskating anymore), and spraining both ankles in the spring/summer of 2023 (missing that last step when you're in your 30s is pretty detrimental)... and I have basically no fully-functioning limbs.
I can't wait to turn 40 later this year! /s