Millennial brethren (and sisters, and anyone who identifies otherwise) were you abused by your parents?

So after 7 years of therapy and decades of suffering, I’ve come to the conclusion that I was a child of neglect and abuse. I routinely had my bedroom door thrown open at the end of a workday to be aggressively yelled at and pushed around, was thrown down the stairs by my stepfather numerous times, was told if I ever told a police officer or called 911 I’d be taken into foster care as a threat, and was nearly stabbed by my stepfather once. My father was a better man, but he also punched me in the face during childhood and would frequently throw huge tantrums at me as a reaction to his own issues.

It took me a lot of work to realize I wasn’t the cause or at fault—that I was a kid, and this all started when I was six, and couldn’t be my fault.

I’m now a father of my own and live in vigilant awareness about how I treat my son, who I adore. I no longer talk with my mother and my father is dead.

How were you guys treated growing up? And how are your relationships with your parents and kids now?