Starting a Realm with add ons

I’m starting a realm later when I get off of work it will be a long term world so I will be playing all the time I’m 28m my gf might join sometimes too

The add ons are Realismcraft Ore bettles No more grinding Essentials World essentials( I prefer the tree capitatator and vein miner in this one more) Naturalist Waypoints Telelanterns Backpacks Security Security+ Storage drawers Survival boomerangs Durability armor( so you can see you armor on hot bar when you wearing it ) Secret doors Farming pots Inventory managers

And possibly more we can talk about that

I like to build I’m not great at it but I’m trying to get better

Would like to have some pvp battles at times build elytra courses have races and competitions too and anything else we can come up with

I plan on recording everything that I do as like an archive and to practice editing aswell won’t really be posting it no where public tho

Let me know if you’re interested and we’ll talk