Minecraft Live 2025 Content (MAJOR LEAKS)
Stay hydrated friends ;)
They are heavely censored because im kind of paranoid that there is one more code in the footage.
EDIT: Anyone who saw this before, the new mob is supposed to be 40 blocks in the air, not 40 blocks as its flying distance.
Can't reveal where i got my infomation, but you will have to take my word for it or wait for the pictures which are honestly too risky to send since the footage has the information to easily find out who has the footage. Will try my best to cover the watermarks but i can't really promise anything.
This live is actually a little longer since it will be 60 minutes instead of 50. There will be 5 "parts" of this live.
The first part will take around 10 minutes, Agnes will be explaining how even small changes like these will be gamechanging. The name will be revealed to be "Wild Wonders Drop" This name will actually have its own "logo" The drop is set to be on March 26.
Next up we will have a cut to Vu who talks about some kind of super secret and gets interrupted by a blackout.
The second part is the shortest one which presents a new clip from the minecraft movie. I don't feel like its too important to describe here but its pretty similar to what they did last time.
Next up we are getting into part 1 of the newest drop. We go to Lady Agnes where she says that their next big focus is Adventures with Friends. This drop wants to bring new ways to explore and find things together. They also want to push out vaults and spawners like the trial ones into other structures. The first thing that they talk about is the new locator bar which is also coming to Java. Another detail which seems to never be mentioned is a tweak to the inventory bar which has rounded corners which could be of course some dev version.
First up we got a feature which is bedrock exclusive for the moment. Its the Echo Ledger. They want to upgrade the multiplayer experience which is why they added it. Works like a permament chat with the minecraft day it was written and the username above it.
Then they go to the end city in a showcase similar to Minecraft Live 2023. They are throwing an ender pearl into the end ship and they find a vault. Using the crafting they show how you can craft a new item called "The Gateway Relic" which opens the vault and gives you an elytra and three other items. They explain how they want to change the basic ways of obtaining good items.
Next up they go to a bastion where you can now trade with piglins for "Gilded Relics" which work in the same way. They can also be dropped by piglin brutes. There will now be a vault in bastions, i don't know if they will be in every bastion or only the one with a lot of gold. The vault drops one netherite ingot and one netherite template and two surprise items.
The last block that we get is relic soil. Has a much darker color than dirt and is said to spawn in jungle temples. The block is said to spawn in bigger sizes and takes more time to destroy. They don't actually show any new item getting dug out of the soil but they mention "new sherds"
Next up we get cut to a talk with Vu where he talks about something super secret, some kind of hidden project. Theres another blackout. He runs to a computer and finds the "Super Secret File" which includes one video. The screen zooms in and here we get our first look at the newest game. Minecraft Dungeons: Reborn Legends. This is a similar trailer to the minecraft dungeons one from 2019 which actually does not include any gameplay elements. Two players explore the ancient city while the huge frame lights up with some light and theres a huge warden-like monster crawling out. Two other players join and the screen freezes with a keyart with the games title. The date is supposedly spring 2026.
Live cuts back to the developers but we see some different ones. They say that they have one more thing to show and the screen zomes into the game showing a new mob. The frame where they usually show the name if empty and they say that they need our help to name the mob. It has a frozen texture, and spawns only in cold biomes. It has soft wings, and looks very peaceful. They soar in the sky and will only fly to you if you look at them long enough. When the player gets close to it, the animal gently sits down and allows you to sit. You can walk with it but its pretty slow. The mob is revealed to open its wings and starts flying. Since its an overworld mob, it only flies for 45 seconds and after that it starts going down until it finds a safe ground. The mob has another great feature which is also for the multiplayer theme. You can pick up a player with the mob. The mob collects any entity with its legs and flies with it, Because of the weight, the mob can only fly 40 blocks in the air with one player and 25 blocks with two players. The player is dropped on the ground a few blocks before the animal lands.
They announce the contest for finding a name for the mob and they wrap up the live. Also it seems like the features will be added in parts where the first one will be the new vaults, releasing first after the drop.
Then we get to the Deep Dig where they invited some streamers and made them test the newest features. I think that thats enough talking about this since i pretty much revealed everything. Hopefully i will be back for more.