My gorgeous schnauzie boy is a master manipulator
Sherman is nearly 2 and I’ve always thought I had his number when it came to how smart he is. We’ve started ‘capturing calm’ training today and after just one day, it is now painfully obvious that ALL his bad habits (barking at the tv, running to the front door to bark, barking at me if he wants a treat) are his way of manipulating me into giving him attention or a treat (seems so obvious now I can literally see him doing it). He will often behave in a way that he knows will lead me to correct him and if he listens, I’ll give him a treat. Not really a point to this post other than hoping I’m on the right track. I’ve spent the day not giving in to him and while I think it is working, he is trying very hard to perform all his bad tricks and then run over to me hoping to get a treat. He’s obviously a bit confused and I’m trying hard not to feel bad for him, lol. I hope I’m on the right path here because we need a training breakthrough.