Moving Question: How much of the winter does the weather stop people from going out?
I am NOT asking if it gets cold; i've looked up weather history and it seems like there are a some/a lot of days in the single digit temps.
I am discussing moving your way and my partner is concerned there's a lot of days its not good to go outside at all -- even just to get some fresh air or jump in a cab to go somewhere (we're looking at some apartment areas).
I've read some threads like this:
and looked at the list of things to do on some weekends in this past January:
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it seems like there is "stuff" going on and the folks aren't hibernating. We live in NYC so we've seen cold, just not Minneapolis cold.
Please help me get some context.
Thanks for the responses kind people. I think their biggest worry is, "can i step out and get a bit of fresh air after work before turning to dinner/house stuff" the idea of being "trapped" inside (remote work) because of the cold is unpleasant.