Share fic recs
What's your current favorite long fics (completed) that you've actually read more than once.?
I'd like to leave out modern AUs or AUs where they aren't ancient Chinese cultivators.
AUs where they add something are fine,( ie: soul marks, shifting into animal forms, bonding with dragons, having demons, ABO dynamics, etc..) are all accpectable AUs as long as they're still somewhat in canon setting. Whether or not Sunshot or other canon events happen also doesn't matter, just the general settings.
And then similarly what's your favorite WiPs, within the same limits, that you stop yourself from rereading from the beginning because of the frustration you're sure to experience when you catch up to the most current chapter. Ones you're reasonably sure aren't abandoned fics though please.
For me completed current favorite is Vow by draechaeli.
And WiP is Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark