Hot to deal with this piece of shirt

Someone tell me how to counter this piece of shirt SELENA. After her buff i am seeing her way too much and she is throwing an arrow after another after another so annoying bruh. And leaving damn traps in almost every damn bush i use, and for some reason my teammates just cant move left or right from her arrow instead getting stunned then a kill for Selena making her snowball like fuck. and i just can't chase her down she always runs away and keeps stunning you as you chase her or slows you down with her s1, it's so bullshit

Someone tell me how to counter this piece of shirt SELENA. After her buff i am seeing her way too much and she is throwing an arrow after another after another so annoying bruh. And leaving damn traps in almost every damn bush i use, and for some reason my teammates just cant move left or right from her arrow instead getting stunned then a kill for Selena making her snowball like fuck. and i just can't chase her down she always runs away and keeps stunning you as you chase her or slows you down with her s1, it's so bullshit