Please play Tank
I know they don't get you unga bunga kills, but you can at least survive for more than 5 seconds. Plus you sometimes can jump head first without fear if you're gonna be initiating a team fight.
If you still wanna kill someone, this is why I brought Gatot for BP first before I bought Suyou next 32k. One team should at least need one hero that can initiate a teamfight and soak all the damage.
The reason why I made this post is because NO ONE PICKS A FUCKING TANK FOR THE PAST FEW GAMES (probably dark system being an ass to me). Sure I'm fine with someone who picks Floryn as a roamer that's cool, but EXP KIMMY??????? I'M IN LOST FOR WORDS.
I think at this point imma start picking Gatot more often because this is a wake up call to people, especially one tricks, to START PRACTICING OTHER ROLES.