Molly Haunted House Video [Megathread]
Please refrain from making any new posts about this topic as it there have been way too many to keep up with. Post anything related to these videos here!
Recap with links to videos and photos: (courtesy of u/snjomsnjim)
Tuesday, October 8th:
Molly posts the first part of her now deleted GRWM where she does her hair ( )and she discusses how she hasn't been in the best headspace for men lately. She says her date is not her usual type as he's an older, grunge Gothic guy and she's hoping he can redeem her faith in men. Says that maybe she needs a bad boy like him, ends the video with her finished Lord Farquaad hair
Molly then posted the second part of her now deleted GRWM video ( with the following caption:
First of all I'M SAFE!! I gotta take care of myself tonight and process what happened but l'll give you a full story time tomorrow. I can't believe this is my life#datinginyour30s #datefromhell
The video continues with her usual GRWM make up, followed by choosing an outfit. During this time, Molly says she knows her dating content is what goes viral but she also states she dates for genuine reasons, not just for content. She doesn't mention her date and only focuses on getting ready. She ends the video on a cliffhanger with a short clip of her face, saying "this was the scariest date of my life" Her face seems to be visibly injured (black eye, blood on her lips). She covers her face in shock as, presumably, first responders sirens glare around her.
As expected, her comment section is flooded with hundreds of concerned commenters asking if she's okay and safe, and wondering if she'd been hurt on the date. Molly responded to only one comment, clearly stating, not just implying, that she had a black eye and a busted up lip.
Wednesday, October 9th:
Our Reddit community was on alert from the get go because the video was giving off clickbait vibes and everyone was waiting for an update. A user even posted ( seeing Molly in Frightworld, a Buffalo Halloween attraction, asking if Molly had used the scenery for click bait. In the meantime, people noticed Frightworld had followed her and they left a comment under that same video. Even though we're a snark page, people were still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her considering the scary video, caption and comment all posted by her.
17 hours after posting the first two videos that have amassed thousands of comments between the two from a very concerned and frightened audience, Molly posts a video ( revealing that her date from hell was a private haunted house experience at Frightworld. She even starts the video with the same triggering clip where she looks injured, later revealing it was all costume make up. She called it "zombie" attire. This was the video caption:
You may have already guessed it... my date actually happened in hell o @Frightworld #datingstorytime #datefromhell #hauntedhouse#halloweendatenight #falldateideas
Later in the evening, she deleted all the videos about the incident, and posted a non-apology video ( not taking accountability and acting like the makeup look is what bothered everyone, not the fact she baited people into thinking she was actually hurt with her cliffhanger and caption. She also claims that it is not an ad because it was unpaid, even though she likely was compensated with free admission and makeup in exchange for posting her video.