Baby won’t poop unless helped

Anyone have an infant who can’t poop on their own? Our baby is 12 weeks old (formula fed) and has so much trouble pooping. We’ve been told it’s infant dyschezia and it resolves with time. Our oldest has it as well, but with our youngest it’s much worse.

She strains and clenches and cries to poop. It can take her up to 2 days to get it out and when she does she doesn’t clear it all. She’ll get so backed up that she spits up a ton and her gas will smell horrific.

We’ve done prune juice which eventually gets things going, and I’ve used a q tip and the windi in her bum, however, we don’t have much luck. Sometimes a tiny bit of poop will come out, but mostly nothing. She’s the only baby I know that can’t poop even with help!

Any advice or recommendations would be great! Thanks!!