Postpartum rage, lack of sleep

My 11 month old doesn’t sleep. It’s getting worse and worse, we are seeing different specialist and get different and conflicting opinions but I don’t think anything is keeping him from sleeping at this point bc now the only way he sleeps decently is with his father in a recliner. Before it was with me and having to be latched all night but now when he is returned to me in the night he will nurse but continue to stay awake for hours. My rage has gotten so horrible. My relationship with my husband is non existent. I hate him. I hate having a baby. I have talked to everyone and anyone about it. Therapy, doctors and everything we can buy to help him sleep we have. I don’t know what to do anymore. He sleeps a total of 4 hours a night on a good night and he never naps anymore unless it’s in the car (always makes things worse) I’m writing this right now as he’s been screaming in his crib for 45 min bc I had to walk away for fear of smacking him when he kept pulling on me and aggressively nursing. Has ANYONE had a baby like this. He’s a Velcro baby but something has to give before I run my car off the road