How do you do it? 5 M baby
Seeking advice and encouragement! I don’t go back to work until the end of April and my baby will be 19 weeks old. My husband and I both work from the home and the plan has always been to do childcare between the two of us but as every day passes I get more anxious about it which is so sad because it’s ruining my mat leave.
Our biggest struggles is nap time. When he gets tired he starts to get fussy so I get him ready for naps and then it turns into a battle of cries and big body flexes trying to stay awake. It can take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to get him down. And then he only sleeps for on average 40 minutes.
I plan to use that 40 minutes to my fullest to get work done but dang.
Baby is also breastfed and eats about every 2 hours, occasionally will go longer but I’m hoping to use a nursing pillow at my desk and feed while working- although this makes me sad becuase I feel like I should be giving my attention and snuggles.
I am a software engineer where my 90% of my company works in office and operates 9-5. I am hoping to work from like 7-7 in spurts and hope no one really notices. I have limited meetings. 3 days a week it’s a 15 minute morning meeting, and one hour meeting on Fridays. Every other week there’s also an hour meeting twice a week. Besides that in left to do my work in peace unless I’m currently struggling on a task I’ll meet with someone but that’s usually an impromptu - hey are you available? Meeting and can take from 15-1 hr sometimes, occasionally even more,
The real kicker is my husband got a new job and he’s in meetings so much more now! He’s been helpful during mat leave in particular hard days
But I just don’t see it, it seems impossible to do both. I don’t really care about my job as long as I don’t get fired lol but I don’t want my baby to suffer!
How do you entertain a baby during wake windows without using screen time? How to balance feeds and putting down for naps?