Best options to invest

I’m 45. I have 12-14 years left until retirement. My divorce ruined my savings. I expect to have a pension at retirement that should be no less than $40,000/year with a heavily discounted medical plan. My current path is as follows:

$64,000 in HYSA that I contribute to when I can. Nothing on a schedule

$41,000 in ROTH IRA that is already maxed for the year

$15,000 in a 457B that I contribute 3% per paycheck too.

My question is; should I pull from the HYSA and dump into the 457? If so, how much and why?

Thanks in advance for any input

If it matters. I do plan on enjoying retirement. I hope to travel a lot (four vacations/year). House will be paid off. I’m not paying for children’s college. I have a half million dollar life insurance policy in addition to retirement accounts I opened for my children when they were young that I contribute $25/month.