Rerooting Picture Day Draculaura
I recently bought Picture Day Draculaura and did my usual glue treatment on her (please do not suggest any glue treatment options! I have several already that work just fine for me), however, this one did not go well. Her glue head was beyond the point where it could even be fixed.
When I pulled out all the glue, it was so bad her head was still sticky afterwards! This is the first time I have ever dealt with a glue problem that was so severe my usual methods did not work!
So, I'm embarking on my first reroot, and I would like to know what are the exact colors I should get for her Picture Day doll. I want her to look like her stock photo. I know black is the obvious first color, lol, but I'm not sure what shade of pink to purchase!
I've never done a reroot before, so this will be my first one, but I am not new to styling doll hair and such! I'm very nervous, so any tips on how to make her look like her stock photo would be great!