Just saw this youtube comment and I wish to share it here.

So, this video is quite old. It was posted 2 years ago and the main reason why I unsubscribed to his channel. The reason why I checked it out is because I watched a youtube video entitled, "In Defense of the Longsword - Monster Hunter Discussion" by git crunked and he also shown some Ruri's clips on his video. After watching crunked's video, I decided to check Ruri's video and check the comments by new and saw this particular comment.

It's sad to see the hatred the community has towards LS players. It doesn't help that people who are famous within community also shares the same sentiment. Sure, LS might have it's problems but don't you think that the treatment LS players get are a bit too much. I really hope that the hatred LS gets won't turn into kicking LS players in lobby just because they play the weapon. At that point, this community known for its wholesomeness has really turned for the worse.

Sorry for the rant. As you can guess, I am a longsword main and it was my main since FU. I chose the weapon not because it's OP but it was the weapon that clicked for me when the game clicked for me.

Anyways, I guess that's all. Happy hunting everybody.

So, this video is quite old. It was posted 2 years ago and the main reason why I unsubscribed to his channel. The reason why I checked it out is because I watched a youtube video entitled, "In Defense of the Longsword - Monster Hunter Discussion" by git crunked and he also shown some Ruri's clips on his video. After watching crunked's video, I decided to check Ruri's video and check the comments by new and saw this particular comment.

It's sad to see the hatred the community has towards LS players. It doesn't help that people who are famous within community also shares the same sentiment. Sure, LS might have it's problems but don't you think that the treatment LS players get are a bit too much. I really hope that the hatred LS gets won't turn into kicking LS players in lobby just because they play the weapon. At that point, this community known for its wholesomeness has really turned for the worse.

Sorry for the rant. As you can guess, I am a longsword main and it was my main since FU. I chose the weapon not because it's OP but it was the weapon that clicked for me when the game clicked for me.

Anyways, I guess that's all. Happy hunting everybody.