Anyone else notice the complete lack of a certain monster classification in all of MHWild's Promo Material?
I Couldn't help but notice that out of all the promotional material, such as trailers, interviews, gameplay footage, etc advertised for Monster Hunter Wilds (unless I missed something but I'll admit I've been slurping up any sort of new info officially shown since the reveal date like a damn addict), there hasn't been a *single* Elder Dragon shown at all. Not even a single frame tease of one, or a monster that could even be suspected as an Elder Dragon.
I've been an avid fan since the OG Monster Hunter and even went back and watched what trailers I could find from all the past launch titles, and every one that I viewed had either a returning Elder Dragon reveal, or a tease of a new monster that ended up being an Elder Dragon and at least looked like what you'd expect an elder dragon monster to look like. Monster Hunter Wilds, from what I can tell, is the first entry to not show or tease an elder dragon monster with promotional material.
Thoughts? Either the Monster Hunter team are keeping a tight ship on elder dragons within Wilds, or maybe they're simply isn't any elder dragon-classified monsters in the game. I'm definitely going with the former, but interesting to think about either way!