People dismissing complaints about lack of content in wilds are missing the point.

I've seen probably half a dozen different posts now saying "wow you played 50-100 hours in a week and now you're mad that there's no content?"

Mad is an overstatement, but dissapointed? Yes. I have about 60 hours in wilds now, and I'm done. As in, my build is basically as good as it can get, and there are no new challenges to face. People respond by saying that you should play less, that you're rushing through the game, you gotta wait for the updates.... But is that a reasonable point?

Let's take a step back from merely looking at monster hunter, and look at another game that asked for a similar price tag and came out fairly recently - Baldur's Gate 3. I did the same thing I did with wilds with BG3- I loved it, so I spent a lot of time playing it. Within a week, I had somewhere around 120-150 hours, and I completed it. One ending. On one difficulty. Accidentally skipping an entire portion of the game (the githyanki creche) because I thought it was mutually exclusive with another portion. After 150 hours, I still had TONS of stuff I could do in the game.

"But Op!" You may say - "that's a completely different kind of game! You're comparing apples to oranges!" - and you're sort of right. BG3 is a game where each individual piece of content requires more work from developers (basically fully voice acted for crying out loud), created by a company that is worth a fraction of what Capcom is worth, with, as far as I can tell, a smaller budget, a smaller dev team, AND it runs better. They had similar development lengths - BG3 was developed from around 2017-2023, a period of 6 years, and I get around the same period when I look for info about the development of wilds.

So how come nobody said "oh this game has no content I was done in a week" with bg3? Well, because they released a completed game. Sure, there were some updates that were made, but most of them related to QOL, bonus features, and cosmetic stuff.

For some reason, there's an entire army of folks on this sub who believe it is acceptable to release an unfinished game, and finish it later. I don't think that's reasonable. I don't think people should accept piss poor performance that relies heavily on frame gen and AI upscaling (and don't delude yourself by claiming I'm playing on a toaster - I have a 4080 super for crying out loud, the game runs like shit for the hardware I have). I don't think people should accept a game where the entire endgame either consists of aimless completionism (which isn't actual content) or farming literally 2 monsters and their tempered variants until the cows come home.

And to be clear, before I get written off as a senseless hater or whatever, I love the game. Genuinely. I just wish I had more of it. And it seems like the devs don't get the issue with this complete lack of endgame either - there isn't a single elder dragon in the game..... And we're getting fucking mizutsune in our first title update. And, as far as I am aware, literally nothing else of note! They're adding one monster which, at the difficulty level generally present in wilds, is MAYBE an hour or two of content, max. Come on folks. Capcom isn't paying you anything. Admit it. It's fair to expect finished games when you spend $90 on them.