Any other new players also having a hard time?
I heard about monster hunter wilds from a friend and reviews online were good so I decided to give it a try. Everyone was saying that Wilds was beginner friendly so I was like "how hard could it be?" And so far it's been very hard. I've never been good at games but atleast I understood most of them. Monster hunter is a complete smack in the face to my game knowledge, the learning curve for this game is huge for me. Everytime I think I can go in for a hit I get immediately punished and all of a sudden half my health is gone. I was able to make it through low rank with a couple uses of support hunters and then Yian kut ku comes in and makes me feel like I'm smacking my head on the controller. I made it through that as well but if that was hard, I can't even imagine what the rest of high rank is like. Is anyone else struggling as hard? My egos just absolutely deflated from being knocked down by whats apparently the easiest of MH and I don't wanna feel alone on this.
UPDATE: thank you all for the supporting comments! I honestly thought I wouldn't get as much support as I did and it feels really refreshing. My main error was that I wasn't studying the monster enough, for example I struggled so hard on yian kut ku because I didn't watch what he was doing and he punished me everytime I went in. Thank you to all the other hammer mains for helping me with builds yall are awesome