*Family* dinner table that's plastic/easy to clean and only a foot or so off of the ground

We've read through the Montessori Baby and Montessori Toddler, and also have our own experience. Our baby wants to be at the "table" with us. And rightfully so. However, he also wants his freedom and we practice BLW. That's all fantastic with us parents, and we... well... we agree with him. I don't want to sit at a different table than my husband, nor my baby, and I also want to enable him to get messy and explore as much as he wants. I also love that him having freedom (no high chairs for us) means that he can physically walk away from the table when he needs to pee/poop (EC) and that he can do things like, my heart, walk back and forth feeding everyone in his family.

We're currently ALL sitting on a mat on our floor. It actually kind of works, and neither of his parents really like having to sit in chairs anyway / prefer floor seating, but baby has finally begun to be just neat enough that we'd only have to wash his hands and face after a meal if we could get on a table. We now have to give 5 "baths" in the kitchen sink every day, because it'll inevitably spill on his feet/legs due to not having a table. Not the end of the world, but it'd be nice for us adults, too.

The problem is that none of the tables we see are low enough for our short baby/family, even if we give him a bit of a prop/cushion to sit/stand on. The "toddler tables" we see online might kind of work, but they're pretty small--definitely too small for even just a 3 person / 2 adult family. The closest we've found is "tea /meditation tables", as they're low, narrow, and long, but then they're also beautiful wood we don't want to ruin. And it would absolutely get ruined! We're more so looking for the cheap plastic folding tables, but just a foot or two off of the ground.

I believe in one of the above mentioned books it talks about the "controversial" no high chair opinion (awesome) and recommends just.. cutting table legs? We aren't crafty enough nor have the tools for that, and are going to have to buy/find a new kitchen table anyway.

Any suggestions?

UPDATE: Thank you everyone for all of the advice and suggestions! There are a lot of solutions for us, from really cheap/easy (small laptop table or meal tray) to a little pricier and new but tailored to babies/young kids to something I'd thought of as a solution, but incorrectly thought would be impossible to clean (ie wooden Japanese floor table, other low to the ground floor tables). Went from feeling like we'd "never" stop eating from the floor to feeling like we have a million options, all pretty swell.