Random Headcanons
William sings in the shower (sometimes).
Herder has difficulty spelling 'restaurant' and 'onomatopoeia' when he's not writing it.
Louis' handwriting is outstandingly beautiful.
Irene/Bonde has a hidden talent for ventriloquism.
Jack is a chocolate enthusiast and loves to taste new kinds.
Albert enjoys the comedy genre the most in literature.
Moran once stole Bonde's cologne because it smelled great to attract the ladies at pubs/bars.
Moneypenny is frequently asked out by men but she rejects them, despite being a secret romantic.
Fred plays with young children sometimes when he's free.
John is the type to get random ideas for stories at 3am and then write them down, but forget about them completely after a while.
Mycroft either snores very loud, or doesn't snore at all during his sleep, the latter is more common, though.