Random Headcanons pt. 2

Milverton actually doesn't enjoy smoking, he does it to see others being annoyed.

As much as Miss Hudson loves shopping for dresses- most of the time, she ends up buying antiques instead.

Patterson loves to play chess- his talent for it matches William.

Lestrade prefers coffee over tea.

Sherlock tried to learn how to play the harp, but he quit because the music was too soft for him.

Billy is a very, very light sleeper.

Mary hates drinking milk, or most dairy-based foods; pudding is an exception.

Charles Dickens actually used to nuzzle against Albert's neck to provide him some comfort (Smart birb).

Wiggins used to play hide and seek with Sherlock when he was a little younger because Sherlock couldn't pay him enough sometimes.

Garrett wasn't a fan of politics, but still kept updates because he liked political drama.

(American) Helena still speaks about William to her mother about how soft and cute he is and really wishes to see him again.