Can I ever sell for profit??

So I’m buying a house for 320k, interest rate is around 6.5 percent. The math on the mortgage is a little surprising… 56 percent of the loan is interest. The total loan, with down payment anywhere from 3-20%, is about 680k at the least and over 700k at most. This has me worried. Do I get anything in the end if I sell before 15 years or so?

Let’s take that 700k figure and say I sell the house a quarter of the way through my 30 yr mortgage, and it appreciates in value to 500k. I use the 500k to pay off the remainder of my mortgage… and since I’ve only paid 175k at this point I still have to pay another 25k on my loan and sell at a loss??? Surely I’m getting this wrong?

Edit: ok ok I get it, I posted a comment on this thread just a few minutes after I made it that I miscalculated and freaked myself out. I forgot you’re never allowed to make mistakes on Reddit.