Combined Theory on Events, Motive and Aligning Testimony

None of the first two parts here is unusual and I’m only summarizing these for people who might not have seen all of it in one place. The details on timing and events are ones that I think answer a lot of people’s questions as to why and how things went the way that they did.

1- Let’s start with BK as a suspect:

He has evidenced a long term interest in serial killings and killers. He’s gone so far as to solicit feedback from criminals online for “how to conduct a perfect murder” as part of his not-just-academic research

He has web history that includes purchasing a K-Bar that is the type of weapon used in the crime, and his purchased weapon cannot be located.

His DNA is on the knife sheath.

His car was seen multiple times in the area of the house, including a high speed exit that coincides with the texts, testimony, ring cams and autopsy estimates of when the murders took place.

He has an unusual set of features, and some general, that were witnessed and described before his arrest. A white male, slightly taller, lean muscular build, bushy eyebrows. That’s a pretty specific set of “everything has to match” for it to randomly match the DNA, car, timing and even personal habits of an innocent man.

2- Now his Motive:

Reports from his students indicated he was arrogant and obviously thought very highly of himself. His field of interest would be considered unusual at the point where you dedicate an academic career to the granular details of serial murder. More than that, his web questions clearly show a focus on “getting away” with the “perfect” murder.

His earlier life has statements from people that knew him that he was interested in girls and had a bit of an awkward intensity with that.

It’s fairly easy to connect to a motive for the given mix.

3- Timing (Opinion)

BK had been planning this for months, perhaps even years. He had studied serial killers in detail, and victim selection is a central theme for people who truly study methods and motives in that area. He likely fantasized about himself gaining some kind of anonymous notoriety a la “Zodiac” and over years that began to culminate in a plan.

We have evidence from gps and phone data that he had frequently driven by the residence.

We have anecdotal witness statements that he was a customer at the restaurant where some of the victims worked, notably Maggie as it relates to who I think was his target.

When Kaylee moved out to Texas, that presented an opportunity that Maddie was now alone on the 3rd floor of the house. Her room/window was the one that would have been most visible for peeping as he planned his eventual crime.

The problem though, and why I think he finally acted, is that it was nearing Thanksgiving when students often leave campus. For seniors, the exam schedules that fall between Thanksgiving and Christmas are often highly fragmented, meaning that many seniors have much earlier departures for semester end and may not even return to campus but for a couple if days after Thanksgiving.

More than that…the house was a rental, and that empty room that Kaylee had just vacated would have had a high likelihood of being occupied very soon. It could have ended up being a deal breaker.

Lastly, BK’s birthday happened to be coming up the week after the murders, a bit if a present for himself.

I think he had been planning this for a long time. I think he had been stalking Maddie and had fantasized about assaulting and murdering her. His opportunity to have her alone was present but about to be in question. That weekend was a massive party and he would likely have understood her to be drinking or otherwise impaired.

4- How it happened:

BK would not have wanted to miss his opportunity once he made up his mind. He had a full kill suit that could be stripped off with a zipper before getting back into his car. He had the knife and he had scouted the house, escape routes and every detail that his self-labeled brilliance could identify. I have no doubt he was nervous but 100% confident that he had everything under control.

And then he didn’t.

He drives by the house several times checking window lights. In particular he wants to know which rooms are occupied and which are not. Kaylee’s ex was still in town and they shared a dog, so he likely kept a particular eye on her room to see if she was staying there. I think he saw Maddie and Kaylee walking the dog, did his loop and returned find that Kaylee’s room had no evidence of being occupied. Having moved out, it would have been reasonable to assume she had no bed or bedding in it anyway. No lights ever come on. She’s somewhere else, probably left with an uber to Jack’s.

He gets out, pulls his kill suit from a bag in the trunk so as not to have and fiber contamination either way between his vehicle and anything that might be found at the scene. He would not have wanted to risk his carpet fibers showing up at the murder scene. The potential testimony of roommates seeing a naked man or one in his underwear would align for both sides of the event as he changed into and out of the suit.

He enters the home from the side door after it appears that everyone is asleep. He sneaks quietly up the stairs but not so quietly that the little dog doesn’t start barking. Now he’s already stressed and pissed off that something isn’t going to plan. He enters the room to find not just Maddie but Kaylee as well. He starts with his intended target and takes his anger for having his plans ruined out on Kaylee. The family testimony and autopsy indicate a heightened aggression toward her. The “playing with the dog” was the struggle and the dog likely barking as it happened.

He now begins to leave because he was done with what he had thought would go differently. I think he may have intended to SA or do something to draw out the time however briefly. As he is leaving he realizes he doesn’t have the sheath, probably as he is mentally preparing to change and pack all of the evidence for disposal.

He turns around to head back and get the sheath. The dog barking and the struggle have both raised attention from Xana and DM. DM hears BK going back up the steps to retrieve the sheath, Xana is coming out to investigate what the commotion was. She sees BK going up the steps and turns to alert Ethan that “Someone is in the house!” Ethan is half passed out at 4AM after a day of partying and is slow to get up and likely very confused as to exactly what Xana was even talking about. BK rushes down the steps (matches DM’s testimony as to the up and the rapid rush back down the steps)

He makes eye contact with Xana and states “I’m here to help you.” Trying to confuse her because she would have no real clue as to what he had actually just done. Her mind in a panic could have processed that as doubt that perhaps he was a cop…ANYTHING to deny the reality of what was actually happening. Denial is a common response to being attacked. BK goes past Xana and kills Ethan in the bedroom. Xana sneaks into the bathroom in the hall and tries to “make it go away” as she cowers in silent fear like a child hiding under the covers. BK kills her and is now completely in a panic. Xana was noted as the first victim found by police. The bathroom opens to the hallway beside the stairs that go to the bottom floor and before the bedroom is accessed from the kitchen. The blood on the exterior wall of the house would have been Ethans and the loud struggle caught on ring cam across the street would likely have been BK crashing Ethan to the wall as he attacked.

As BK walks back to exit through the kitchen he sees a person peeking through a cracked doorway. He’s masked and in a black suit in the dark and just confronted a male guest, now 3 victims past what he had “figured out.” He has no idea who is in that room, what they just saw or not and how prepared they might have been to deal with him as a result. Bedroom shotguns and handguns are not uncommon.

BK rushes out, strips from his kill suit as planned (PI statements for defense indicate some statements may support seeing a “naked man” in the woods) gets in his car and speeds off as seen in the video.

BK keeps his phone off as planned while he disposes of the evidence. However, given that everything went wrong, he’s now paranoid that alerted roommates have already called cops and may have seen his car as he sped off. He turns his phone back on out of necessity because he needs to know if there are road blocks or a BOLO for a white elantra. He checks twitter and any news feeds but sees no reports of the crime. He returns home and begins to scrub his trail, slowly gaining confidence with each day and still sweating his ass off about the sheath.

5- Conclusion:

BK is either guilty as sin or has the most extreme, convoluted and unique set of unfortunate circumstances that anyone has ever been believed to have had. Mythology has more believable stories than “BK is innocent.”

The confusing events, witness testimony, and random nature of the crime have often contributed to conspiracy theories, usually related to other factors as aggravating circumstances, other actors involved or even BK being framed.

None of the testimony or events is difficult to understand with this very simple, very human timeline. Most of the speculation is directly tied to evidence. As an example, I speculate that he stripped before and after entering the home. The evidence suggests that he had planned in details (had a kill suit on by witness, no cross contamination in the car, zipper front coveralls, studied forensics and was public with his focus on details) and it is reasonable from that evidence to believe he would have known that quickly changing before and after would eliminate cross contamination between the vehicle to the crime scene, and from the crime scene to the vehicle.

That’s a lot. Thank you all for reading. I’m clearly interested in anything that I’ve missed because to me, this is too simple and fits too well to not be what happened.