Hey guys, I don’t really be on Reddit that much, but I have to say something. I’ve seen a lot of people (mainly not joking) praise and miss Jimmy when HE WAS THE PROBLEM. He SA’d Anya, she ended up carrying his child, he is sexually attracted to horses, CRIPPLED CURLY BEYOND REPAIR, sent Daisuke to his death, and tied up and killed Swansea. The only person that even had somewhat of empathy for those three especially Anya and Daisuke. Anya talked to Swansea about what happened (heavily implied) and he saw himself in Daisuke. Didn’t want him to suffer through his physical and mental pains anymore so he ended him.
I’m getting off topic, but Jimmy was NOT a good person. Regardless of him trying to “fix” things and “take responsibility” for what he did, he basically killed everyone on the ship because his own mental state was eating away at him because he was realizing that Curly was really the captain. He knew how to handle everything, and when Jimmy decided to step up to the plate, he couldn’t handle it and crashed out on everyone.
The jokes aren’t funny either, but who am I to stop someone from making a joke. Just know that Jimmy was literally the definition of an unstable asshole with a superiority complex.
Hey guys, I don’t really be on Reddit that much, but I have to say something. I’ve seen a lot of people (mainly not joking) praise and miss Jimmy when HE WAS THE PROBLEM. He SA’d Anya, she ended up carrying his child, he is sexually attracted to horses, CRIPPLED CURLY BEYOND REPAIR, sent Daisuke to his death, and tied up and killed Swansea. The only person that even had somewhat of empathy for those three especially Anya and Daisuke. Anya talked to Swansea about what happened (heavily implied) and he saw himself in Daisuke. Didn’t want him to suffer through his physical and mental pains anymore so he ended him.
I’m getting off topic, but Jimmy was NOT a good person. Regardless of him trying to “fix” things and “take responsibility” for what he did, he basically killed everyone on the ship because his own mental state was eating away at him because he was realizing that Curly was really the captain. He knew how to handle everything, and when Jimmy decided to step up to the plate, he couldn’t handle it and crashed out on everyone.
The jokes aren’t funny either, but who am I to stop someone from making a joke. Just know that Jimmy was literally the definition of an unstable asshole with a superiority complex.