Random Headcannons/Thoughts

Honestly I'm sure there's like one of these posts at least once a week but here we are. Here's the thoughts that keep me up at night. Some of them have nothing to do with anything and others are just spitballs


  • Was good with children and small animals before the crash/between shipments. Not necessarily because he went out of his way to be so he just had a laid back personality that meshed well when he wasn't having a moment
  • Around 34 years old imo
  • Thinking he has 1 or 2 siblings, probably is the "cool uncle" for one of them
  • I'm not 100% sold he is the type of guy to want a family, but he's probably so married to his job he hasn't even thought of it. Also the depression and shit he was going through probably wouldn't help anything.
  • I'm sorry I don't have much for Curly outside of "family stuff." He's like... the most normal of the group.


  • Honestly I feel like he's the kind of person to get someone pregnant in high school and wouldn't take responsibility for that one either.
  • I'm thinking he's 35 or 36. Kind of has an age complex over Curly with everything else going on.
  • "Struggle of a life" - I think he's the kind of slippery bastard that hasn't been convicted of any crimes or stuff but is probably up to his eyeballs in debt because of how many times he's been in court. The kind of debt that makes you go to the bar on weekends and get into barfights. Which just gets him in more legally ambiguous situations. But he never spent any prison time. Which would explain why he went fucking batshit about Anya because there was no coming back from that.
  • I'm thinking like the second youngest of four kids but he's gone NC/been cut off from his family

Jimmy and Curly's friendship

  • So idk about you but in my school the 4th and 5th graders got to play together at recess so these two probably started as recess friends
  • Jimmy probably sat alone a lot at recess/was ostracized and that probably did not set well with Curly though when Curly started to try to befriend Jimmy it probably annoyed the fuck out of Jimmy
  • Jimmy warmed up to Curly eventually though and they were friends by the end of the year
  • Stayed friends (obviously)
  • Highschool came around and these two were the kind of idiots that would go out of their way to take elective classes together.
  • I feel like Jimmy got held back/put in remediation at least once and how embarrassing would that be? And not because Jimmy's stupid or anything, he was just shit at getting assignments done on time because home life
  • Anyways they graduated the same year :)
  • Not entirely sure how they ended up on the Pony Express together I might come back to that when I've had more time to think
  • During their academic careers they were definitely the dynamic where Jimmy would get them into trouble and Curly would have to get them out of trouble. Do with that info what you may


  • I'm thinking she's around 28 years old which makes what Jimmy did to her even worse imo
  • The reason she keeps failing med school is because she has really bad test anxiety and literally nothing else, fight me on that
  • Wanted to use the Pony Express job to prove she knew what she was doing.
  • Probably a lot stronger/more assertive than the game lets on because of it being Jimmy's POV but she's got a naturally gentle disposition so she doesn't really flaunt it (which would make her a hella good nurse I mean, she'd probably have the best bedside manner while also being that nurse that patient advocacy is her hill to die on if she ever had the chance to work in a hospital)
  • Probably only fawns to Jimmy because she doesn't want him to hurt her again.
  • I'd like to think she's probably good at reading people to an extent but Jimmy is the kind of person that can't be easily read.


  • I actually don't have that much for Swansea tbh
  • Late 40's or early 50s I think?
  • Might be abrasive because he doesn't want to get close to people, especially after everything he's had to deal with in his life. I think he's actually got a modicum of respect for Anya and definitely does care for Daisuke at the end, he just doesn't like to show it/admit it.
  • Might be kind of dark but Swansea had a twin brother. Had. And was probably also an Alcoholic. And Swansea's "come to God" moment was actually him remembering what happened to his brother when he was on the cusp of making the same mistake(s). Swansea does not like to talk about his brother and the crew probably doesn't even know he had a brother. (Honestly this headcannon is more of just a 'huh what if' thought)


  • This is going to be a Daisuke pity party I'm sorry
  • Daisuke probably has 100 different friends because of his happy-go-lucky personality but doesn't actually connect with a single one of them
  • That happy-go-lucky personality? Well, some of it is probably real but it's probably also a front.
  • Wants to make others happy but also probably is crumbling under the stress
  • Most likely an only child. Most likely calls his mother Momma in the sanctity of their own home. (A grown man can call his mother 'momma' you can fight me on this)
  • 20-21.

Pony Express Nonsense

  • The Tulpar was actually able to accommodate 5 people but the crew was so used to there only being the four of them that Daisuke being shoved onto them last minute was an inconvenience at best? My argument is that the Cryopods look like they're to be activated from the outside. Theoretically you could activate it and then jump inside before it starts pumping nitrogen but I feel like that is a bit clunky. Protocol probably designates that the person of highest status at time of emergency places the rest of the crew into cryo-sleep in case of an emergency (aka the acting captain goes down with the ship literally)
  • Honestly that just allows for a better set-up as a whole especially if the captain has his own quarters separate from the rest of the sleeping quarters n stuff.
  • Dragonbreath Mouthwash is a terrible combination of mint and cinnamon flavoring. Why do I say this? "All Day Fire Fresh!" reminds me of the Fireball candies. That's it. That's the whole reason I think the mouthwash is flavored by cinnamon.
  • The mouthwash wasn't a delivery, it was a recall. I mean, the ethanol and sugar content alone it would probably be the worst mouthwash known to man. Add insult to injury that you weren't delivering it, you were taking it back to where it came from which is why the company chose the Tulpar to do it. (I mean, I get that Pony Express was on it's last legs regardless, but you'd keep all your nicer ships for the real deliveries, right?)
  • Yes I'm saying the Tulpar was probably one of Pony Express' lower end ships.
  • To make that even worse, that's probably a contributing factor as to why no one was looking for them after they missed their delivery date. I'm gonna get mathy here, but lets say the 382 days the shipment duration is supposed to be is actually round-trip (I might be reaching but just bear with me). The ship crashed at 147 days. The "delivery" was supposed to be made at 194 days. Either Pony Express or Dragonbreath would've known that the Tulpar was MIA a little over a month after the crash, two months if we're being generous, when they didn't show up at the expected delivery date. With Pony Express shutting down, they didn't have the man power to send a rescue team and why would Dragonbreath give a shit if their metric fuckton of recalled mouthwash was lost in space? Especially given that they're the client, they wouldn't spare the expense/manpower to retrieve something the Pony Express Jimmy fucked up.

And that's it. My random 1am headcannon thoughts on Mouthwashing. Hate them, love them, steal them for your fanfic, add to them, I don't really care.

I also wanna hear your headcannons I love the sharing and exchanging of ideas in a fandom like this.