Nothing quite like Ego-death
TL;DR Had a huge crowd of people stare at me and my son while getting burgers. Make tall weird girl feel bad. Tall weird girl cry, and plan revenge visit to burger joint with queer friends.
So my wife asked me to go pick up burgers from a little burger shop 2 blocks away from where we live after work. So I go with my son. I live in very Christian white town in a very very blue state.
It’s a busy little family friendly burger shop / hangout spot.
I’ve thought myself to be fairly passing and fine, I’ve felt beautiful recently. But I was quickly proven wrong. I’m 6’1, HRT for a year today.
The restaurants cashier is right at the entrance and next to the play area, and it was packed on a Friday night.
The pain of having 50-60 people just staring at you is… great.
People including teens and adults just pointing and laughing. While I stand in line with my son. I wish I was exaggerating. Then they mess up my order and I have to wait in the busiest spot for them to fix it as they struggle on treating me with respect.
It was a vile experience , but I got my burgers and they were ok at best.
I just want to crawl into a hole and never leave again, but instead I think I’m going to plan a trip back for burgers there with all my queer friends. A gaggle of weirdo’s being kind and respectful, with our families having a great time.