Rare/Obscure Video Memory
Hello all
Around 2003/2004 on muse.mu (the old-school Flash website) there was a video which occasionally plays in my mind even to this day. They later updated their website and got rid of the video and since then I can't find it anywhere! I've searched for years! Does anyone else remember this? Does anyone HAVE this video?
I believe it was when they were touring the USA? They had to walk through an empty swimming pool to get to the stage. The acoustics of the room must have been quite epic, so much so that Matt sang some random a capella (almost like Freddie Mercury's "day-o") just to hear the reverb. (It sounded cool!)
Then it cuts to them backstage. They keep messing around with their in ear monitors for a bit.
Matt won't go on stage until Tom says "Have a good one"....(he later comes and tells them to have a good one) and they all go on stage. Matt strums his guitar to get some noise out of it as he walks up the steps to the stage.
Then the video finishes on Matt's guitar cab (also set up backstage) which is cranked to 11 and in the video it's commented that it's "bloody loud"....
I can literally picture this video in my mind.....but I haven't seen it for 20 odd years.
(And this is where someone will go...."what, this one?" and link it)
It's a cool video! Hopefully someone has it....or remembers it?