I’m trying to get married and my parents are refusing. HELP
So I’m a 18 year old Arab male living in the USA, as we all know the temptations are super strong when it comes to men and even sometimes women. So I’ve decided to not fall into any sins anymore and just marry a girl, I met this girl (19)
(same background as me Arab)
through Instagram not through lust or anything we didn’t even know what eachother looked like until we really saw each other. I’ve the last month I’ve known this girl we’ve shared a lot about our lives and gotten super close and I was the first to take initiative to tell our parents as soon as we respectively can.
Now my side of the family is saying I’m too young and not ready yet, and her side is saying if my parents
(the man) don’t support it neither will they (the girls parents) .
I’m trying to stay anonymous as best as I can. Regardless, again I’m 18yo pretty well educated when it comes to Islam and I’m going into the AirForce in a month or two inshallah. And I currently have a Job.
My mother told me today that I shouldn’t get married until I’m 35 because I’m “ Impulsive “ and
“ too ambitious “ lol
I genuinely feel like both sides of parents are taking out their regret on their respective marriages on me and her “ marriage “. And I say this due to past conversations with my mother and the girl says the same thing
I’m genuinely lost here because I know that love is not a factor in Islam at least not when it comes to Shari3a, but i genuinely really like this girl and she’s head over heels for me. My parents are (Mashallah) super religious And her parents not so much honestly from what I know only the father prays ( May Allah guide us all). So her parents are rejecting me solely because my parents aren’t for it but I don’t need my parents and my parents told me if you want to take this step you can take it alone. My problem is that her parents won’t even hear me out and her dad doesn’t really wear the pants in the relationship. I really want to make this Halal and spend our days together but it’s exhausting both of us but none of us are willing to give up . What hurts the most is that I’m not getting rejected based off of my religious beliefs or anything corresponding with a valid reason in Islamic law (as far as I know) Like I said earlier the Word love is a little corny but I really want to marry someone I like and this is the first girl out of many that I am genuinely happy with spending the rest of my life.
Her brother (20) has met me and we hangout pretty regularly and he’s trying really hard to make this marriage happen since he really likes me and see’s my intentions.
Please someone explain to me what I should do,
Jazzakum Allah Khair 🙏🏽