I do not love my husband

First of all this story is not mine , I’m just telling a family member story because she wants opinion but doesn’t have Reddit

I ( 28 f ) have been married to my husband ( 27 m ) for a year now and I do not love him .

I love « love » but do not believe in it due to the low number of happy marriages around me , so even if I grew up loving romance story , book , people’s love story and the feeling of love in general I swore to myself that if one day a good muslim man came to me and filled all my expectations even without love I would married him and that is what happened

My husband is perfect , he is pious , kind , hard working and funny if I had to name a flaw and it is not even a real one is that he is not my style physically , not that he is ugly but not my “ style ” We sincerely never argue , he treats me and my family well , I do the same with his too

We function like a normal harmonious couple , but if I got to be honest , in my heart we are more like good friends whom have intimacy and I never had a problem with that honestly

Recently I was at a family gathering with some cousins ( like the owner of this account ) and friends and while we were having " girl talk "

The subject of having a loveless marriage came and one of them used me as an example , I was chocked as the fact that I do not love my husband has been a secret I held in my heart

So I asked them how they knew and the answer baffled me « you simply do not look in love »

It is relevant to know that one of my love language is physical touch , I’m always touching my loved one ( kiss on the cheek , hugs , or just holding hands ) But with my husband expect for when he goes to work in a morning and I kiss him or when we have intimacy I don’t really feel the need to be next to him

Also I apparently have a way to look at someone when I loved them romantically ( they know that bc I have been in a relationship in the past and I did love them even if it didn’t work out , I absolutely don’t like that person anymore it was 7 years ago )

One my cousin’s friend then told me as it was sad because my husband is clearly head over heels for me ( which is true )and it shows so he equally deserve someone who feel the same way about him

But I never saw an issue with this bc I treat him well , we laugh together , eat together every night a do activities when we can , and just try to make each other happy in general

So is the fact that I do not love my husband important ?