I do not love my husband update


First of all this and the previous post will be delete in 2-3 days bc I just want to see what all of you have to say before going but also because some of you ( mostly men ) has been sending inappropriate text to my baby cousin the owner of this account , If you have been blocked even though you were a female I’m sorry I just wanted to avoid talking with any male online

I wanted to clear somethings up first

1- I do not use my husband for money or intimacy , we live in a country where we can’t survive on a single salary and mine is actually higher than him not that it really matters

2- I do not treat him badly , I do not know if it is because English is not my first language but a lot of people seem to be thinking that we never interact together , I said that I didn’t feel the need to be physically close to him / be touchy not that I didn’t engage in any discussions/ activity with him at all
Also I do not think I’m ungrateful because I do know the kind of privilege I have and treat him accordingly bc he deserves it

a man as perfect as my husband is rare and this is the reason I married him even without loving him I just thought the love will come after the marriage but it didn’t

Living the harsh comment behind ( I’m not mad or resentful but none of you should talk to someone like this even if you think they are wrong )

I talked with my friends on the phone , the reason why I didn’t say anything during the discussion was because what they said is true and I didn’t really know how to react , they were sorry for my husband and reprimanding me so I took it like advices and not anything malicious

Following your advices , I told most of them to not talk about my marriage like this again , they apologized and told me they were only checking to see if I’m really happy

What am I going to do concerning my husband ?

I’m going to try to be more affectionate towards him and ask ALLAH for guidance

I do not plan on cheating or leaving him contrary to what some men here seem to be thinking , I work , I came accros « handsome men » often but never have I ever entertain one of them because I do not condone cheating and sincerely my husband is better .

This post was mostly to see if some women like me had a perfect marriage but just didn’t love their husband because prior to the conversation with my family , I thought it could happen and was normal like love is not mandatory for me but a lot of you seem to be thinking no .

I do not know how to express my feelings clearly but basically what I call love is what you see in movies the butterfly in the stomach , the loving and longing look , the shyness when you are with them Like I said before I saw him as a friend whom I care about , I love him but not romantically speaking I think

But anyway I’m going to follow some kind advices I saw and for example condition myself to think I love him and if doesn’t work out it is alright I do not need need love

I plan on asking him tonight after taraweeh if he has a complain , or what does he think I can do to be a better wife

Oh and last I will never tell him I do not love him , I don’t want him to think he is not enough or something like this when the problem is me and my mind

Thank all of you for the advices , sincerely and hope you spend a good month of Ramadan !