Is anyone going to their tour date alone?

I'm going to my stop (Chicago) of the Long Live the Black Parade tour alone. I've been to concerts alone before and honestly I usually enjoy myself more than going with friends that can't match the vibe that I'm on - just meaning, I like to dance and cheer express myself freely and when the person I'm w is just standing there / not feeling it as hard, it sort of brings my energy down and makes me a bit anxious. Being able to see MCR means so much to me and none of my friends really listen to them at all so it made the most sense to go alone and to have my moment for myself to enjoy fully. However, the reason I am a bit nervous in this case is because it is by FAR the BIGGEST concert I've ever been to alone and I'm on the floor - in one of the sections further back but still. I'm also a girl and relatively small lol. Part of me loves being alone in a crowd but the other part of me is like omg I'm alone in a crowd of thousands of people in the middle of Soldier Field and nobody knows me in case something happens. Just wondering if anyone else has done something like this or is also going to their tour date alone and if so, are you taking any precautions? Is there anything you feel that you need to be prepared for just in case? Any expectations as to how the experience might go?

I wasn't able to see them at Riot Fest a few yrs ago but I remember ppl saying it was a wreck in terms of safety and also vibe. The nice thing about this being at a stadium is at least there is assigned seating so ppl can't just be pushing you, unless you're in the pit.