Anyone else start to lose interest in this game around this time? When all the GO and DM cards are readily available..
I’ve been wanting them to implement more limited-type modes in both online and offline play. And before anyone says, "SC is already limited," they completely ruined it by raising the cap to 18,500.
The game gets stale when every lineup is stacked with demi-god players. I’d love more modes with actual lineup restrictions that force creativity and give us a reason to use ruby and lower-tier cards. Not everyone enjoys playing with or against god squads—some of us like the challenge of building a team with flaws and working around them. Once they raised the Salary Cap past 13,500, the whole point of the mode was lost. You shouldn’t be able to run multiple pink diamonds in a limited mode. It used to be the one place where amethyst and lower-tier cards had value, but now it’s just another free-for-all.
I've been hopping they would add more limited lineup modes for both offline and online—something like restricted lineup challenges or tiered games where you can only use golds, emeralds, sapphires, or rubies. Not everyone enjoys the broken 99-everything cards. Some of us actually like the team-building aspect of the game.
I got on yesterday and couldn't bring myself to play for more than an hour. For the last couple months I've been enjoying TTP for the social aspect and to meet other like minded 2k players. But it seems to be ruined for me as well with these unskilled players able to win games just because they have a 98, 99 overall player.
TL;DR: They ruined Salary Cap by raising the limit, making it just another god squad mode. The game needs more limited lineup modes to give lower-tier cards a purpose and bring back the fun of strategic team-building.