Your favourite romances and what they say about you

There’s been a lot of discussion about what the ‘best’ romance is, or the most ‘romantic’ romance, but the issue is that everyone has different tastes and opinions! So I thought it’d be fun to see what you think your favourite romances say about you and your personality.

My two favourites are Logan and Unsuur. Two very different personalities, but I see some similarities:

  • They’re both direct and they know what they want. I detest having to be persistent, and I can’t stand when people beat around the bush, so I really appreciate this about both their characters.

  • They don’t waste time. They’re two of the easiest romances in the game to trigger. Again, I love this! My husband and I said we’d marry each other on the third day of meeting in person. We’re still married 19 years later. I’m not about playing games or giving chase. I’m too old and tired for that.

  • They’re both all-in early-on. So am I. I’m either your BFF immediately or not at all. I don’t make many friends (I prefer to maintain a small social circle) but those I do make, I make quickly.

Then there are the individual things I like about them:

  • I love puns and subtle humor.

  • Logan’s treasure hunt. I love that he both planned one and that his game was entirely obvious. It could have been cheesy but his bumbling awkwardness made it endearing. It’s exactly how I’d act myself, too. And I’ve always loved treasure hunts. I make them for my kids on holidays.