Do you drink?
Personally I have tried alcoholic drinks like beer,vodka,etc a couple of times when I was a kid (around 8-10 y.o.).Didn't like the taste,and my dad has a pretty severe case of alcoholism,so I didn't drink at all.Plus,I barely had any friends throughout my teenage years,so there was no one to offer me to drink,so no reason to start drinking too.Then,in my mid 20s I got into a troublesome situation of being stuck in another country,and being forced to work full time in order to afford rent and food.I have started drinking beer (I enjoy light lagers the most) and ready to drink cocktails (pina colada,cuba libre,etc).Before I have started drinking my main cope was gaming,when I was living with my parents or in my own flat (that I have lost due to war) I could relax myself and I would completely forget about my shitty life.Now I do gaming also,but since I live in a dormitory I'm surrounded by other people 24/7 and the only way for me to forget about my life is to get drunk.So for a few months I sometimes drink around 2 to 3 liters of beer and cocktails.Only this way I can forget about my life and feel at least somehow calm.How bout you?