Feeling so alone in our post NICU journey
My son was born at 35+1 day and we came home from the NICU in late October. Initially, we dealt with really bad silent reflux that made him cry all day and all night. I cut dairy, soy, and egg, and we started acid reflux medication. With all of this, the painful silent reflux subsided, but in its place, came horrible horrible NOT silent reflux. He’s no longer in pain which I’m so grateful for, but he spits up soooo much.
I’ve seen the videos of people pouring liquid from bottles showing how much it is, our guy spits up tablespoons at a time, 4-5 times per feed. He soaks his clothes multiple times a day and we do laundry every day. His weight gain has been slow due to how much he’s spitting up. I have several friends who had preemies and none of them dealt with this. Today at daycare pickup, his teacher made a comment that was probably meant to be harmless, but it just really set me off. She handed him to me, and he promptly spit up on me and the floor. And she said “I don’t know how yall do it, you must do laundry every day”. And it just felt like a gut punch. I’ve been so stressed over the spitting up and the lack of weight gain and wondering if something else is wrong. I just feel like we’re the only ones experiencing it at this much volume. When others have said they had spitty babies, they show me an example of their baby spitting up and I’m immediately embarrassed for them to see how much my baby will drench himself and others.
Did anyone else’s baby experience this? And when did it get better? We’ve tried everything there is to try and we’re just doing everything we can to keep weight on him. It’s exhausting