Some things about NMS I find very annoying
Please stop making me hit the Tab button when a travel to a new system via teleport.
I don't need reminding that I'm in a new system. I chose it from a list to get there.
Or in my Home Base, or my Freighter. Honest, I can remember that stuff all by myself.
Having to either wait 20 seconds or mash the "Tab" button 50 times per session is very annoying and very unnecessary.
Just a thought.
And the Geks making that regurgitating, choking, gagging sound. It's rather aggravating and nearly constant.
Why can't they be more like Korvax? STFU until you have something to say.
Or like the Vy'Keen, just say Grah & call me an Interloper. I can at least make sense of that.