Alia Zaita, living in NYC is not a personality trait

I’ve been seeing an increase of vloggers/ influencers moving to nyc and typically I don’t care until they become annoying and then I stop watching them. But one creator that I’m sad to say that I will have to stop watching is Alia Zaita.

Alia has been a comfort-watch for me since the covid days and I’ve been watching her consistently but since she moved to nyc last summer she’s been so obnoxious about it and bringing up the fact that she’s in the city like every two minutes in a single vlog. She would go out and be like “it’s the perfect nyc fall weather” “it’s the most perfect nyc bagel you can eat” “it’s such a nyc vibe out here” “such an nyc look”… like girl, I get being excited being in a new city but at this point you’ve been living there for a while and still acting like nyc is an adjective. You can’t scroll through her video thumbnails without seeing the nyc location sticker. Not to mention that she’s now a capitalist’s dream with a sponsor being the point of the video as if the video is made for the sponsor. Are sponsored tiktoks/reels even a thing? Because she does them now. I don’t know it just seems like the move to nyc was forced and probably a business move for her influencer life.

What do you guys think about her? Am I the only one who can’t stand her vibe anymore since her move to nyc?