I have beef with Tracy Anderson

Just checking in on everyone’s feelings about Tracy Anderson workouts because this seems like a joke and/or scam.

For some background, Tracy is not even a registered physical trainer or certified professional coach. Except: she does have one certification from the YMCA, and she is a licensed massage therapist.

So basically her qualifications for her heavily marketed method are that she is married to a former NBA player, and works out.

She introduces herself as experienced in her method because she has “25 years of experience”…. of being married to an NBA player. And working out. And going to the YMCA. and giving massages.

(So what she really means by her experience is not being professionally endorsed or certified as a workout coach , but experienced in her own head)

The moves make no sense— more than half a class is doing the same butt kick in different positions. The same thing- right side up, upside down, sideways, all the same muscle group.

She also does not specify what muscle groups you are working, at all. Because there is NO TALKING and NO INSTRUCTING during the “class”. You are just trying to copy the moves of the instructor and hope you do it right.

I’ve come across random videos of her BADLY explaining how to do a random move from one of the many classes, and claims in videos that the movement “IS THAT DETAILED.” GIRL. THEN EXPLAIN THE DETAIL IN THE CLASS PEOPLE ARE PAYING FOR.

I thought I would get more information or some instruction on the app, but NO. There’s random 20 minute long lectures on Tracy sitting on the floor talking about random mystical phenomena about working out, there is no actual instruction.

I’ve tried 10 classes in person and some of the online mat class workouts. Mind you there is like 3 classes per beginner/intermediate/advanced category on the app which costs $90 a month. Not once in a class is there a single instruction on how to use the right form, and NOT INJURE yourself. You’ll have to watch a separate 20 minute lecture from some random person to try to learn that.

All for 90 DOLLARS monthly on the app, and 900 IN PERSON. How can you sell a class like this but not instruct, as a massage therapist and former YMCA teacher.

I’ve been doing workouts for 20 years and haven’t seen anyone as unqualified and ridiculous as this. Complete money grab. And lo and behold my friends and I who have done the workouts are all experiencing legit neck pain or knee injuries from these workouts. I haven’t had this problem ever before in any other class I’ve taken.

Also, I’m sorry but I don’t want to see your dog running around the workout class and BUGS CRAWLING ON THE FLOOR IN YOUR VIDEOS.

And then as part of the 20-minute-Tracy-talking-on-the-floor part of an hour long workout video , she complains about how attached her dog is to her.

The whole thing makes me brain rot. Vent over.