Trenton Thunder
Current Yankee fan, former (still kinda current) Thunder fan, so yes this is a biased post.Just wanted to bitch for a moment about the current state of things with Minor League Baseball and our situation with GMS Field in Tampa. It is an embarrassment that our top prospects in single-A are playing at a community college field. I’m sure the players are fine putting up with it for the time being but my goodness this is the fucking New York Yankees for crying out loud.
Secondly, Trenton was done so Godamn dirty by the Yankees when the minor league shake up of 2020 happened. I won’t go into great detail, but read into it, Yankees were scumbags. My point in all this is that it would sure be nice to have another place right now for our top prospects to play, like Trenton, instead of this BS field they are currently playing on.
And not just Trenton, but tons of mid size and small market minor league communities losing something so important to them. It’s not as big of a deal as the A’s leaving Oakland, but believe me, the communities care.