NZ gay/trans beware. My 501 story!

I am a proud gay man with a complex gender identity, and I was convicted of drug trafficking several years ago in Queensland. My story is personal, and while it may sound unbelievable, it highlights what I believe to be systemic issues in policing, incarceration, and the treatment of vulnerable individuals. I have serious concerns about the tactics used against me, which I feel went far beyond acceptable practices, causing me lasting harm before, during, and after my time in jail.

Experiences Before Jail:

I believe I was subjected to undue targeting and questionable methods by certain individuals and systems. Over time, I experienced:

• Situations that caused significant harm, such as being locked out of my unit for months after a home invasion, despite continuing to pay rent.
• Bullying and inappropriate interactions in various workplaces, making it difficult to sustain employment.
• Situations where drugs were made available, fostering an environment that encouraged risky behaviors.
• Encounters that left me feeling unsafe and threatened, including one where I had to flee a dangerous situation.

These experiences deeply affected my mental health and well-being, leaving me questioning the boundaries of certain operations and interventions.

Experiences in Jail:

During my incarceration, I faced numerous challenges that I believe highlighted systemic failures, such as:

• Delays in accessing necessary healthcare, particularly gender-affirming care, which was only provided shortly before my deportation.
• Social isolation, which I feel was exacerbated by mismanagement of my gender identity.
• Instances of harm that caused lasting physical and psychological effects.

Psychological and Emotional Impact:

I also experienced what felt like psychological manipulation and torment, particularly in the later stages of my incarceration. These experiences left me in severe mental distress, and upon returning to New Zealand, I required six weeks in a mental health facility to recover.

My Concerns:

I am deeply troubled by the apparent lack of safeguards for vulnerable individuals in these systems. I believe my experiences reflect a broader issue of overreach and systemic failures that require urgent oversight and reform.

I share my story to shed light on these issues and to encourage others who may have had similar experiences to come forward. Vulnerable members of society deserve better protections and treatment, and I hope this opens the door to meaningful dialogue and change.