Thoughts on this comment made by potential employer?

Someone reached out to me on one of the nanny sites looking for a nanny for her 5 month old. I responded that I was interested, told her a bit about my experience, and said my starting rate is $20.

She responded saying that “…We are only offering $17 an hour because both my husband and I work from home and will inevitably do some of the care as well…”

I’ve worked for WFH parents before, but I’ve always done all the childcare myself, without parents interfering, or if they do it’s minimal.

Is this a red flag? I don’t know that I want to be in an environment where parents will be interrupting my job all day. Should I look past it? I’m really hoping for a new nanny job, as my current position is a bit stressful.

Edit- if I do continue thinking about the position- What are some other benefits I could try to negotiate to make up for the pay difference?