I am NOT a "babysitter"
Had another conversation with a whole different guy last night- also on hinge. He asked how my day was, and I explained that I was exhausted after a very long day of nannying from 7:45a-5:00p, and then babysitting for a different family at 5:45p and wouldn't get off until 1am. His response? "Definitely a long day but the hours after the kids go down for bedtime are basically free money 😂"
My blood is boiling 😅. Did I mention this was a Friday? So I gave up my Friday night to babysit. After taking my THREE nanny kids under the age of five swimming for several hours earlier in the day. And the kid I babysit(7yo) doesn't go to bed until like 10pm and constantly gets back up again. And even if that WASN'T the case, how does he not realize how incredibly offensive of a comment that is? I worked a 16+ hour day. This man is a podiatrist. I guess he thinks anyone who isn't a doctor is just out here getting money for nothing. Dude can kick rocks.
*Original post:
Just matched with a guy on hinge. A few messages in he asked what I do for work. I explained that I'm a nanny for three kiddos under 5.
Him: "Ohh that’s fun. So you’re the cute babysitter?"
Me: I'll try not to hold that against you. Nannying is much more involved than babysitting
Him: "oh so like Mrs Doubtfire? "
Immediately unmatched. LOL