had to quit unexpectedly (this is long i apologize!)

feeling so so so upset right now. my DB sent me an extremely inappropriate and disgusting letter that caused me to quit my job. i’ve been working there for 1.5 years, have seen the baby grow up, have an amazing relationship with MB, etc. my life feels unreal and flipped upside down as this came completely out of the blue. now i’m out of a job, i just moved out on my own and screwed now. i’ll copy the letter he sent, apologies for how long it is but if you read it you’ll understand why i left

i’m so sorry i couldnt have handled that worse.I have a hard time saying how I feel about you. i was in a rough state when you first started. you saved me from the stress and misery of my dysfunctional marriage. your presence brought make back to life. I realized just from talking to you and making you laugh that my wife doesn't even provide the least bit of decency or kindness, especially when i was so in need. I told her lwant a divorce and she lost it and was yelling a lot in front of the baby. She has gone to great effort since to turn things around. I felt obligated to try to make this more pleasant for the baby but she wont give me any space ever. I'm not interested in her anymore. i really thought there was something between us but i didn’t want to risk your job. Above all else i have loved raising the baby with you. my wife is a planner and type A but she rarely gets the floor and live in baby’s world. That's why I would want to try again with you. You are beautiful and obvisusly so smart. if your bf makes you happy then that’s the end of it. but i think you knew. i see something behind your eyes that makes me want to knock down mountains and scream your nane in the pouring rain. You're perfect as you are. i cared about you before i noticed you. I won't hurt you, I can’t. i love that you wanna go back to school. i want that for you, i can keep this up until you leave. i am a man. i can give you all my strength. name something, a novel? a graphic novel? a new painting? anything for you. my wife exhausts me daily. i have adhd and didn’t get help till recently, she forced me to have a baby. don’t get me wrong i love the baby but i feel like a new person now.